Thank you for your interest in Six Dutchess Farm.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss a special order, a future collaboration, or just say hello, we’d love to hear from you.

General Inquiries


We get asked lots of questions.

Over the years, we have compiled some answers to the questions we’re asked the most. You can check out the list of answers or submit an inquiry of your own via our FAQ page.

 We love to host and collaborate with others in our community 

Photography & Film Shoots

Looking for a picture-perfect space with zen-like serenity? Our farm is situated on 12 acres of beautifully crafted lush flower gardens and pastures with grazing sheep, an historic 19th century farmhouse, a pond and rolling stream, hidden walkways and a peaceful pagoda for rest and reflection. Send us a message if you would like to make Six Dutchess Farm a backdrop for your next photo or film shoot.

Local Flower Partners

Are you a local business in need of some serious flower power to brighten up your space? How about hosting a local flower pop-up for a day to delight your customers?! Or dressing up your business with flowers once a week as one of our local CSA pick-up locations? Or including beautiful locally-grown floral bouquets in your retail inventory? We’ll bring our flower fields to you. Let’s talk flowers!

small-scale food production

Farm Collaborations

Got a great idea for a farm collaboration that might benefit from our participation or products? Or want to talk about local Hudson Valley flowers, fiber farming, or small-scale food production on your podcast, social media or print medium? We’re always open to join forces on special projects, classes, workshops and events that inspire and enlighten. Reach out and share your idea with us!

Updates From the Farm

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